Somah Journeys

My offerings are under the name Somah Journeys, which serves as an extension of the School of Sacred Arts, co-founded with my partner Troy McFadden. This branch is dedicated to programs that resonate deeply with my own personal journey. Some of you might be curious about the meaning behind the name, so I thought I’d take a moment to share the story and significance behind it.

The word Soma comes from ancient Greek, meaning the body, and since I work a lot with the body via yoga and soul-centered coaching that’s one of the reasons I chose it. However, I decided to add an “h” to the end to play with its meaning a bit more. So-Mahhhh serves as an ode to the Great Mother, the deep Feminine, the essence of creation, nurturing, sustenance, and dissolution. The feminine is intimately connected to em’bodi’ment, and our spirituality as women is profoundly linked to the wisdom of our bodies. We are ‘in-spired’ (breath/spirit) by and pulse to the same rhythms as the lunar and seasonal cycles of nature.

But this invitation is open to everyone—not just women—regardless of how you identify. In some spiritual traditions, enlightenment doesn’t come through transcending the body, but by fully embracing it. It’s about trusting the exquisite intelligence that lives within, through, and as us. The body itself becomes a treasure map to the Source of all wisdom. This is at the heart of the Eastern teachings of Tantra.

The name “Soma” carries rich significance in Vedic mythology. In this context, Soma is associated with the moon, connected to the night, plants, and vegetation. Soma represents both a god and a divine plant, whose juice is consumed in rituals believed to grant immortality and inspiration to both gods and humans. Soma is linked to the moon because the moon was thought to wax and wane as it “drank” Soma. Additionally, Soma is connected to the night and cycles of nature, often seen as a symbol of renewal and sustenance.

This resonates deeply with me as I’ve spent decades immersed in plant medicine teachings. My journey began nearly 30 years ago when I studied botanical essential oils and became certified in aromatherapy, and for the past 15 years have worked intimately with master plant teachers like Ayahuasca, Huachuma (San Pedro), Noya Rao and others from the Amazon. My work with plant medicines involves somatically exploring the body’s intelligence in tandem with the plants’ wisdom, leading to profound levels of healing and integration.

All of my offerings have involved journeys, be it into our own inner landscapes, in liminal spaces through yoga nidra, online programs, or embarking on a 3, 10, or even 30-day in-person immersive experiences to a magical destination around the world—from Bali to Peru, Ireland to France and beyond.

Interestingly, when I came up with the name Somah Journeys, I had some inkling of how it all fit together. But only now am I fully grasping how deeply reflective it is of the somatic, shamanic, meditative and Earth-honouring practices I’ve come to guide. The name has unfolded its meaning to me over time, just like the wisdom teachings I work with.

My logo holds its own story. When I first reached out to a web designer who happened to be from India, the homeland of yoga, I only conveyed a few key elements to her—trees, nature’s cycles, the sun, moon, and a heart connection with the all. The design she came back with was beautiful, resonating deeply and then something more significant unfolded….

At the same time, I was reading a book on shamanism and discovered an old representation of the tree of life with a figure sitting within it—a shaman’s tree symbolizing the lower, middle, and upper worlds. This synchronicity struck me as no mere coincidence, further affirming how deeply interconnected Somah Journeys is with the wisdom of nature and spirit, applying somatic and shamanic practices that foster healing and ‘whole-ing.’ This work not only serves as a personal journey but also contributes profoundly to the urgent shift in humanity’s consciousness.

I hope this reflection gives you a sense of the deeper intention behind Somah Journeys and the sacred work I’m honored to share with all of you.

Thank you for being part of this journey.

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