Markus Skipper – USA

Working with Simone has been fundamental in my integration from the plant medicine world into the default world. I started my journey with Simone on the February 2020 Peru retreat. The space she is able to hold for herself and others is evident from the first time you meet her. She radiates the aura of Mother Gaia, grounded and nurturing. This feeling made it easy for me to trust in her and her ability as my spiritual guide. I started working 1-on-1 with Simone a few months after the retreat. Working personally with Simone has allowed me to better understand the shifts I’m experiencing from sitting with plant medicine. Since working with her I feel a stronger mind body connection. I am able to move through life more fluidly. I feel grounded and happy with the space I’m holding for myself because of this work. Simone is a very special spiritual guide. I highly recommend her if you are seeking to gain tools to allow for a deeper connection with your mind/body and spirit.