I journeyed to the Sacred Valley in Peru where Simone, Leti and Emma held a safe container that invited me to go deeper into my relationship with myself and with the Universe. This experience changed me to the core, resetting my compass toward my heart. Ten powerful days were dedicated to the connection to self and others, and love for self and others. While I was there, I imagined where I could go and how I could continue to follow the passions of my heart and give to the world with my love. As a healer, I felt empowered to stream the energetic love through me and onto the world. For the first time ever, I was able to completely let go, of all the stress, of the notion of “have to” and “should”, and the business of an anxious mind. I cried tears of joy at plant medicine that brought me close to the oneness of everything, and I also cried tears of sadness for the pains of the world that are ever so present. In this altered state of consciousness, I saw things more clearly that were getting in the way of my growth and connected to parts of myself that have been dormant or afraid to take up space. As I have been integrating back into my life, I have been able to stop more and look at the trees and see life. I have been able to slow down and tune into the medicine music and I am taken back to my heart. I have been able to be more grounded in my practices and am questioning things that are no longer serving me for my highest good. I cannot turn a blind eye to things that I know are getting in my way. I have found my voice and I am learning how to be 100% myself with joy and pride, and humility. This container of love and support is a beautiful way to find the connection to medicine, community and self.